strength training for seniors

Elderly Exercising Into the New Year: 4 Great Workout Tips For Seniors

New year, new me, right? People have been saying it for years. Some people, however, have been saying it for decades. Saying it is one thing, but actually following through on your plans is another… and far more difficult.

Exercise is an important part of life, no matter how old you are. Although 20-year-olds can get away with skipping a few workouts, people in their 50s, 60s, 70s, and beyond need to make sure they’re still getting active to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Unfortunately, only between 28% and 34% of adults ages 65 to 74 are physically active. As the New Year approaches, it’s time for you get back in the gym and actually stick to it this year — no more giving up after the first week of February and wasting your money. This year is going to be different. This year is going to be the healthiest and strongest you have felt in a long, long, long time.

Hopefully this guide will help you realize that you can still get active, workout, and improve your wellbeing — no matter how old you are. Here are some great exercise tips for seniors:

  • Start off slow — Whether you’re in your 60s or in your 20s, you can’t just dive into an intense workout regimen. Rushing into working out can lead to burnout and injuries. Start slowly integrating exercise into your weekly and then daily routine.
  • Develop a weekly schedule — Setting a weekly exercise plan will help you get back into consistently working out. Randomly going to the gym or exercising won’t help all that much because you likely won’t stick with it. But setting a schedule will hold you accountable for getting in your workouts.
  • Perform strength exercises at home — Strength training for seniors is actually extremely important. Sure, you won’t be benching around 200 lbs like you did in the past, but it’s important to regularly work out your muscles in order to get stronger. If you consistently practice strength training for seniors, you’ll increase your metabolism, lose weight, and will be able to better perform daily tasks.
  • Work with personal trainers — Personal trainers are great for exercisers at all levels. You won’t need an intense trainer like you’re getting ready for a big MMA fight, but you do need someone who is experienced. There are personal trainers that can help with weight lifting for seniors, as well as another popular fitness method: slow-motion exercise. Slow motion exercises are great for building strength and improving your body.

Don’t let another year pass with you not working toward your fitness goals. Just because you’ve been on this planet for a few more decades than your children doesn’t mean you can’t still hold your own. Since the body responds to strength training at any age, it’s never too late to start building muscle and exercising. If you want to learn more about achieving a healthier 2019 through slow-motion exercises, cardio, and strength training for seniors, contact SMX Training right away!